Window Docks

Window docks are designed for those who prefer to arrange all their windows within a single window frame.

To get started with the default arrangement, right-click on the vertical bar to the left of any menu bar and select "Dock all windows in default configuration." This will create a dock and arrange all your windows in it. In addition, all new windows that you create will automatically be docked.

To undo a docking arrangment, right-click on the vertical bar to the left of any menu bar, select "Undock all windows," and then close the docks.

Working with docks

Every docking pane displays a list of tabs corresponding to the windows that are docked. To change the placement of the tabs, right-click on them for a menu of options.

Within each dock, the window that has focus is indicated by dark blue at the left of the menu bar. Clicking in a window switches focus to that window.

To close a docked window, move the mouse over the window's tab and click the red X.

To dock an un-docked window or move a docked window to another pane, click and drag the vertical bar at the left of the menu bar. If the target pane does not accept the drop, then the pane is smaller than the window's minimum size. Simply make the pane larger and try again.

To undock a window, right-click the vertical bar at the left of the menu bar and select "Undock this window."

Creating a customized dock

If you prefer to create a custom dock layout, right-click on the vertical bar to the left of any menu bar and select one of the "Create new dock..." options. Once the dock is created, you can sub-divide it by right-clicking on the separator between the panes.

By default, all panes expand and shrink equally when the window is resized. By using the options for elasticity on the right-click menu for any pane separator, you can specify that only one pane in a group should expand or shrink. Typically, this is the pane that contains the windows that you work with the most.

To specify that a particular type of window should always be placed in a particular pane, dock a window of the desired type in that pane, right-click on the vertical bar to the left of the menu bar in the newly docked window, and select "Automatically dock new windows of this type in this pane."

You can create more than one dock. The program will remember the configuration of each one and restore all of them the next time the program is started.